I'm not sure what temperatures you all have had to deal with recently but up in my neck of the woods it's absolutely freezing. Or should I say much below freezing -3 to be exact, with a balmy low of -22! On days I can't feel my toes I love to curl up with a nice big bowl (or three) of something filling and cozy. This recipe doesn't require too much hands on time, so you can get back under the warmth of your blanket with a hot, tasty meal in no time.
1 Butternut squash peeled, seeded, and chopped into 1 inch cubes
1 Can chickpeas
3 Tablespoons chopped flat leaf parsely
Olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic powder
Brave the kitchen and peel and chop the butternut squash. Throw it onto a cookie sheet then give it a douse of olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Yes, garlic powder, not the real thing. It seems like a cheap short cut but I love the stuff. It has great flavor and works wonders on just about anything. Make sure all the squash is coated and bake it in the oven on 375 for about 30-40 minutes. You'll know when they're done when you can pierce them easily with a fork, like potatoes.
Hop back under your blanket for the next twenty minutes and let those babies cook. When you have about 10 minutes before the squash is done drain your chickpeas and heat them in a sauté pan with about 1 tablespoon of olive oil, just till they are heated through. Of course add salt and pepper to them. Chop up some parsley and pull your squash out of the oven. Grab a big bowl and combine all of your hot, toasty ingredients.
Give it all a good mix. Get yourself a plate, pile it high and add a little more parsley along with another drizzle of olive oil. I took a few more minutes to stand in front of the open oven before hitting the shelter of my blanket and diving in. I wont lie to you, I ate pretty much that entire bowl in my shelter of warmth and I loved every minute of it. I told you I was a glutton! Give this tasty warm treat a try and let me know what you think.
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