Sunday, April 10, 2011

Moving to Germany, Under the Army's Heavy Thumb!

I just wanted to drop a quick note to those few wonderful readers that I have. It has been somewhat hectic around here. We are moving to Germany! May 10th. But in the meantime I am struggling with the ridiculousness of moving with the army. I am praying my "special" passport comes by May 6th so I can actually fly with the fella to Deutschland. In the mean time we are suppose to be out of our house by this friday the 15th and not one box is packed not one picture unhooked from the wall. We of course can't call the movers until the fella gets his orders, which hopefully come in on the 13th. UGH! And somewhere in between there, the dogs are to be microchipped which I feel so strongly against. Visit his family in Massachusetts and fly to Florida to see mine help plan my best friends wedding as I am her Maid of Honor, quite a crappy one at that for the time being. And squeeze in seeing those friends that mean so much to me. I am so excited that we have the chance to live in Europe. But,.... traveling that treacherous road, riddled with totally unnecessary obstacles the Army loves to stick if front of you, as it seems, just to make your life a living hell, and test your will to see if you have the guts and mental restraint to make it to the other wonderful European side! Please excuse my run on sentence and breathless rant. Never fear I am still cooking when I can. Though we have been eating nasty, piggish food lately and that will likely continue for the next month or two bouncing from hotels and houses and being without my wonderful cookware for an unknown length of time once arriving in Germany. I'm photographing everything (even the crappy tacos I scarfed down from the corner shop) so when I have a minute when I don't feel I might jump out of my skin, or kick the receptionist in the DEERs office out of her chair. I will get back to writing regularly. And I must announce that any day now my hero ( call me lame if you will) Gwyneth Paltrow's cookbook is hitting the bookstore shelves!!!!! I feel like George Costanza my worlds are colliding, but in this case its a good thing! I can't wait to pick it up and I think you all should to. In case you are interested its called My Father's Daughter Delicious and Easy Recipes Celebrating Family and Togetherness. I will be reading it from cover to cover under the sheets of the local Best Western, that is if our little family can get on the same page as the United States Army and get us out of this house. I'll be in touch, and of course I'll be eating see you on the flip side, fingers crossed!


  1. So you have to pack your house just for the movers to come and repack it all later? That blows. Well I suck at life these days, but if you need assistance let me know! I can handle picture frames :)

  2. No no, they come and move it and pack it. They just won't come till they have seen his orders. And our lease is up the 15th. I'm dying over here they kill me! Thanks for the offer!

  3. Whoa! You're moving to Germany? How exciting! That's one place I always wanted to visit. Can't wait to read about your new life there :)
